Friday, March 21, 2014

We made a wish and two came true

Finally the blog post I've been dying to write, and since announcing had several questions about! I hope you didn't think I abandoned you guys, keeping this quiet was driving me insane. Just the other day Taylor was complementing me on my writing and all I could think was how much I miss this blog! So enough about that, I know what you're really here for. DETAILS!

I suspected even before ovulation (that was conveniently on Valentines day) that I would get pregnant this cycle, take out the early complications we had last fall and the medication worked fairly quickly to obtain our first pregnancy. What I didn't suspect was the surprise we got. My meds were changed up a little bit this cycle, and early on it was rough but worth it. I was told not to test until 14 days past ovulation.....pft. I got my positive exactly 10 days past ovulation of February 25th at 5:30am. I screamed "IT'S POSITIVE" and literally jumped on Taylor in bed (he was asleep). To which he responded "Oh my gosh yay!" hugged me very tightly then said Owww, please get off". Suppose tackling someone  first thing in the morning could come as a shock, oops. The days following involved I cant tell you how many pregnancy tests, and 8 days worth of every other day blood draws. There is always stress in being a human pin cushion. Can't tell you how thrilled I am not to have been poked in over 2 weeks.

On March 14th we went in for our first ultrasound. And I wont lie after what we've been through I had major anxiety surrounding the ultrasound. I've had "that" ultrasound before, the one where they tell you that there's no baby, it's one of the hardest things I've ever had to deal with. I sat on the table shaking and Wandy made his appearance (Wandy is what us infertiles have so fondly named the vaginal ultrasound wand). "And there it is" the biggest sigh of relief, we have a baby. "And there we are again! There's two!" two?! there were two?! I screamed "WHAT?! OH MY GOSH!" so loud that the nurse heard me across the office, and of course we properly burst into happy tears. That was single handedly the best and biggest surprise of my life. Our eyes were opened up to God's plan that day. Telling friends and family who already knew we were pregnant was so fun! And we celebrated with dinner with my father in law! It was such a fun day.

The next appointment, our last appointment at North Houston Center Of Reproductive Medicine was a huge one. Graduation is such a huge accomplishment. There was yet again pre-appointment anxiety on my end, already attached to both of them they both had to still be there. And they are! Perefect, growing and measuring neck and neck. They took their last picture together before birth, because by the next time we see them (With my obgyn, holy cow!) they will be to big to be on the screen together. A put on a show for us, and there was a point B looked just like a gummy bear, and posed for the camera. The highlight of the appointment was the most beautiful sound I have ever heard. We have two perfect heart beats beating 125bmp and 127bpm. When the sound of their little heart beats filled the room it took my breath away. She played around for a while and we got a lot of screen time with out babies, it was amazing. We went over the terms of our release and said said our goodbyes to Dr. Roach and her staff. There were lots of hugs, and a few tears on my end. What a huge day it was for us. So with risks dropping after heartbeats are detected, we decided it was time to share our news with the world!

So to answer the popular questions:
Are they identical or fraternal?
They are indeed fraternal. Fertility drugs don't cause embryo's to split however in my case what they did cause two eggs to be released and we were lucky enough to have them both fertilize.
How long will you work?
I will be cutting back at work this summer, and I will be done working in August when the girls start school. Giving me time to prep the nursery, "sleep while I can" as they say and relax.
Are yall done? 
That is a HUGE question for someone who just found out they're having twins. Ask us again in two years.
Will you give birth naturally? 
I have been told not to have my heart set on anything but a c-section, and I am okay with that I don't feel like it makes me less of a mother if I don't give birth to my babies vaginally.

Bittersweet like our last RE visit this will be my last entry to Team Baby Denman. But fear not (I'm sure you're not lol) I have every intention of blogging through my pregnancy, and into the journey of parenting twins! So look for our newest chapter "Keeping Up With The Denmans" like the Kardashians but better ;) I can't say thank you enough for the love and support we received through infertility, our miscarriage, the recovery and starting over. This is our story, and I would never change it.

To my girls, never give up. Miracles happen<3 

Momma D