Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Two Week Wait: The Second Addition.

I feel like I've been such a Debbie downer to those close to me, props to the friends who've listened to my endless wining. This cycle has been emotionally and physically draining more so than the others. I don't know if it's the medication changes, the fact we've done this a few times now, or the miscarriage or a combination of all but it's been rough. I've felt like crap and been tired and sad and tired of being sad. Toss in Taylor's current never home work schedule and well it's been dark days in the Denman house. But brighter days are coming after a massage, a blaring positive ovulation test and celebrating my favorite Valentines tradition I'm feeling much better. Better being an understatement. I'm SO excited, we're back in the game it's all becoming real again. Its so surreal after everything we've been through the last month to know that we've got another shot!

This tww adds a whole new element for us. The no or maybe. On Friday I go visit my favorite girls to play the part of a human pin cushion for a progesterone and estrogen draw. My doctor wants to see what my body does on it's own before adding any supportive medications (for a pregnancy). And in my mind the results of this draw make or break everything if the progesterone promising then maybe? And if not well, we should be able to predict a negativity test then (though there are always surprises. So we get a one week wait. But kind of. Not really. We just get more insanity which, we don't run short on around here these days.

I can already see the messages flooding in over the next two weeks. "When will you tell?" "Are you pregnant? "When are you going to test?" Well, I don't really have an answer as far as a public announcement, there will definitely be an ultrasound before hand. We've each chosen one person to tell when we get our positive home pregnancy test (they know who they are), and after we get a good beta (hcg/progesterone/estrogen blah blah blah) result then we will slowly start telling more people and worm our way into telling family. That part is tricky because we're not up for breaking our parent's hearts again. Because as we've learned pregnancy loss effects the whole family. Therefor we're going to take our time with the next one. Soooo maybe an Easter themed pregnancy announcement.....? We shall see.

So what happens if this round is a bust? Or if God forbid we're presented with a situation like our more recent one and we're faced starting over yet again. Well as far as the current medication goes, we know it works but unfortunately they limit your cycles on it to prevent risk of damage. Fertility drugs are no joke they're rough on the women who take them. So we have 3 more months of this method. And we've decided that if we have had no luck with our next step plan (injections, possibly iui) then we will begin exploring IVF at the end of the year, pulling out the big guns. Team Baby Denman plays no games. But here's to hoping this is the end and we don't make it that far! For now I'm just trying to get through the next two weeks with whats left of my sanity still in tact!

And since it's still valentines weekend and I always close with a photo, here's Taylor and I on our first Valentines in 2009! We were such babies 

Until next time readers, 
Momma D

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