Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The two week wait

Happy December readers! I hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving! I know we did, plus I snagged some awesome Black Friday deals so that's always a bonus! Hopefully next year I will be hitting up Toys R Us at midnight if you catch my drift ;)

So I know you are all dying for an update. Or at least I assume you are. As I type we are three days into the dreaded two week wait. Between working with children for the last four years, house training two very stubborn puppies and trying to have a baby for the last eighteen months you'd think patience would be my middle name. Saddley if that is your thought you are mistaken. Because this two week wait is torture!

For those of you who don't speak ttc (tying to conceive) the two week wait is that happy time of your cycle (the month) between ovulation and your period. I know I know gross, typically I try to keep talk of my bodily functions to a minimum but I figured I'd add some clarity.

So how does one keep sane during the two week wait? I won't lie to you, I went to Walmart this weekend and bought 10 pregnancy tests. And a cake mix. And that's it. I proudly walked myself...... to self check out. Lol! Crazy lady allert?! But can you blame me?
Not only am I awaiting testing day but in 9 days two of my very best friends are flying in to spend 6 and 7 days with us! Really they couldn't be coming at a better time because either they will be sharing in our joy and celebrating with us. Or they will be sharing in a bottle of wine with us and lifting our spirits. And when I say wine I mean vodka. Just kidding. But  I think because they're going to be here, either way I am going to be okay. 

So here's what we know. The medications that they have me on work for me, blood tests showed everything functioning perfectly so from this point on it's a matter of biology. And patience. This is our 4 month plan before pulling out the big guns this spring. Artificial insemination. I pray we don't see that day, but also I will welcome it with open arms if it is in fact the means we need to have a baby. 
Now with all of this being said I'm sure you will know right away if this cycle fails in the form of a depressing yet optimistic blog post (just being honest here lol). And that is pretty much the only clue that I can give you guys at this point. I have a very elaborate Facebook/blogger pregnancy anouncment planed but first we have to strategically tell family and close friends. In our situation loss is not uncommon, and though I am strong I do not know that I have the strength to publicly retract a pregnancy anouncment. So you guys are in your own "waiting period" if you follow us regularly! 

So for the next two weeks while I symptom check, cross days off the calendar as try to keep myself busy I will cherish the things that bring joy to my life and a smile to my face like my job, trips to the dog park, ABC Family's 25 days of Christmas, Dr. Pepper icees, receiving Christmas cards and lazy days with my honey! 

As always thank you for your prayers support as sticking with us!

Also while my last post was brough to you by a cold rainy night, today it was 80 degrees. So no fire. Texas is so weird cause there's a chance of freezing rain Saturday. But I did promise a certain God baby momma a photo of my Christmas mantle in this blog post  :) So here you are!

1 comment:

  1. That is absolutely one of the sweetest, most real things i have ever read! You are so very brave and unselfish to write these posts. You are probably helping soooo many women out there ! Thank you laura for being the woman you are...extra fabulous !
